In July 2022, as part of the capacity project of the Active Citizens Fund (AIF), the association “Development and Innovation Training Center” (AIMC) started an ambitious organizational change process in order to supplement and ensure a constantly available range of technical creativity services for children and young people of Ogre region. During the project, AIMC strategy 2023-2027 is being developed under the guidance of experts as well as a plan of action for attracting resources for the years 2023 and 2024.
The project aims to strengthen AIMC’s capacity by improving its management processes and financial sustainability. Ieva Vītoliņa, chairwoman of AIMC’s board, states: “AIMC has received AIF support, and this is AIMC’s opportunity to attract new members, supplement the knowledge of existing members of the association, agree on strategic goals and an action plan to achieve them under the guidance of experts. As a result of the project, the beneficiaries will be not only AIMC, but also the local Ogre community and regions of Latvia, where AIMC together with collaboration partners implements events. Our goal is a wider, regular, technology-based range of educational services suitable for children and young people. And this can be ensured by becoming financially independent with the help of the AIF project.”
By strengthening AIMC’s capacity, it will be possible to motivate children and young people to engage in activities that, at the same time as improving digital skills will also make them more skilled as representatives of democratic civil society, improve their social skills, strengthen their national identity and, by using innovative digital technologies and educational approaches, will teach them to be responsible for their fellow human beings and to be useful to society.
From the project partner – the Norwegian non-profit organization Norsensus Mediaforum, we will learn the experience of creating a communication strategy for attracting resources to improve the range of AIMC services.
We invite you to follow AIMC’s activities in the project and to involve any residents of the Ogre community in the development of AIMC’s strategy and action plan by sending your proposals to the association via e-mail: or by filling out the questionnaire Additional information about the AIF project is available on the AIMC website:
The project is implemented with the European Economic Area and Norway grants 2014-2021. within the framework of the “Active Citizens’ Fund” program. Project financing agreement no. AIF/2022/KAPAC2/037.