Improving technology knowledge for future of Latvia!
Technology knowledge for future of Latvia

The aim of the project is to promote high-quality public participation based on data and evidence in policy-making and decision-making processes regarding the achievement of climate neutrality and the develoment of nuclear energy in Latvia.
Time of occurrence
11 000,00 EUR
Project activities

Strengthening the communication capacity of the association
The activity is aimed at improving the association’s communication with the target group and society as a whole.
- Info on climate neutrality and nuclear energy
- E-news
- Social network posts
- Video

Participation in policy-making and decision-making processes
The purpose of the activity is the defense of public interests in the field of climate neutrality and independent energy, including nuclear energy.
- Opinions, objections, proposals on Latvian laws and other regulatory documents.
- Resolution from the conference “Nuclear energy for Latvia”

More info:

Publicity of the project
The purpose of the activity is to provide information about project and activities.
Project “Technology knowledge for future of Latvia”, contract number: 2024.LV/NVOF/MIC/033/33
The information on website has been prepared with the financial support of the Society Integration Foundation from the funds of the Latvian state budget. The association “Development and Innovation Learning Center” is responsible for the content of the information on website.