On May 15, 2024 at 10:00, the third international conference “Nuclear Energy for Latvia” will take place. The purpose of the conference is to promote Latvian society’s understanding of the role of nuclear energy in achieving Latvia’s climate goals and strengthening its energy independence. Nuclear power is an essential low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels. Nuclear energy accounts for almost 26% of electricity produced in the European Union and provides about half of the low-carbon electricity.
World-class energy and nuclear energy experts from Latvia and abroad will speak at the conference.
The conference will be opened by the Minister for Climate and Energy of Latvia Kaspars Melnis and Vice President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia in scientific work, Doctor of Physics Andris Šternbergs.
The relevance of nuclear energy in Latvia is recognized by the informative report “Nuclear energy development opportunities in Latvia” prepared by the Ministry of Climate and Energy, published in January 2024 and updated in March, which will be presented to the participants of the conference by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Climate and Energy Līga Kurevska.
What is Estonia’s path to nuclear energy? In 2023, the Estonian Ministry of Climate published the report “Possibilities for the introduction of nuclear energy in Estonia”, based on which the Estonian Parliament will make a decision on the future of nuclear energy in Estonia. Reelika Runnel, coordinator of the Estonian Nuclear Energy Working Group, will tell about the preparations for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Estonia according to the guidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
What should be taken into account when considering the development of the legal framework for the introduction of nuclear energy in Latvia? The Estonian government was advised on nuclear law by Principal of Castletown Law Simon Stuttaford, who has worked in the nuclear industry for over 12 years and has focused his practice on energy and environmental law. He will present a new approach to the legal framework and regulation of nuclear energy.
Which nuclear reactor technology to choose? What is the experience in other European Union countries? In 2023, the Ministry of Climate and Environment of Poland, following the proposal of Orlen Synthos Green Energy (OSGE), decided to deploy 24 GE Hitachi small modular reactors BWRX-300 in six locations in Poland. Professor Wacław Gudowski of the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), who is a senior advisor to OSGE and the author of more than 100 scientific papers on nuclear technology, nuclear data and solid-state physics, will present the progress of the deployment of the small modular reactor BWRX-300 in Poland.
What is the experience of France, a country of the European Union, where 56 nuclear power plants are located and which has the highest percentage — 70% of electricity obtained from nuclear energy? How does France plan to achieve climate neutrality? Nicolas Devictor, nuclear energy adviser at the French embassies of Great Britain, Finland and the Baltic States, who has been involved in nuclear energy risk management and safety research, participating in the development of experimental reactors, will talk about it at the conference.
Nuclear energy is one of the safest technologies, the possibilities of which are underestimated, but the risks are overestimated by society. For society to not worry about risks and safety, when deciding on the implementation of nuclear energy, the construction and operation of nuclear power plants must meet the highest standards and ensure that all risks are minimized. Zemfira Knott, director at Northcourt (UK), who has more than twenty years of experience in nuclear technology insurance, will talk about how to do it with innovative techniques.
When developing nuclear energy in the country, the question of whether and how nuclear energy will affect electricity prices is essential. Professor Antans Sauhats of Riga Technical University and leading researcher Kārlis Baltputnis will present research on the impact of nuclear energy on future electricity market prices to the participants.
At the end of the conference, Agris Auce, coordinator of nuclear fission projects of the University of Latvia, will give a summary of nuclear energy in Latvia in the context of the region and the world.
We invite participants from state and local government institutions, energy production and distribution companies, students, as well as everyone interested in energy production, what is environmentally friendly, requires little natural resources, occupies small natural areas and practically does not generate emissions, to participate in the conference. The conference will be available to the participants both online and in person in the conference hall of the Scientific Library of Riga Technical University, Paula Valdena street 5, Riga. The conference will be held with simultaneous translation in Latvian and English, you can register for it free of charge on the conference web page: https://nuclear.lv/.
The conference will take place with the financial support of the Society Integration Fund from Latvian budget funds within the project “Technological knowledge for the future of Latvia” (contract number: 2024.LV/NVOF/MIC/033/33). The non-governmental organization “Development and Innovation Training Center” is organizing the conference and is responsible for its content. The conference is supported by Riga Technical University, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia, SIA “Fazer Latvija”, non-profit organization “Generation Atomic”, international organization “World Nuclear Association”, international movement “Stand Up for Nuclear” and SIA “Odo”.