Do you know how to integrate animation into culture and art subjects?
On April 13th, 2023, teachers of Rezekne improved their animation creation skills. During the classes, the educators not only gained theoretical knowledge but also each of them practically participated in the co-operative preparation of animated movie scenes. By mastering animation skills with the StopMotionStudio application, teachers created a clip for the song “Vylks ar Kozu” by the Rēzekne post-folklore group “Rikši”.
The seminar was hosted by artist animator Dace Liepa and assisted by animator Maija Ozola. It took place within the framework of the professional competence development program for educators, “Integration of Animation in Culture and Art Subjects in Schools and Basic Skills for Animation Creation” (Program A).
If there is also an interest in integrating animation into cultural and art subjects in your school, contact us! We will help!