The stories of the meeting of 3 generations – as if weaving a braid – one after the other they intertwine and the third youngest joyfully jumps into the middle…
On June 3, 2023, the “1, 2, 3 – the others will be here soon…” initiative project of the residents of Valmiera region, which was organized by the project manager, ended with a concert of the folklore ensemble “Kokle” (led by Dina Liepa) and an afternoon of stories on June 3, 2023 at the creative house “Vērši”. Organized by Dace Liepa in collaboration with the “Development and Innovation Training Center” association, the traditional culture association “APRIKA”, the creative house “Vērši”, as well as with the Ipiķu and Ramata parish libraries.
In the afternoons of stories, for half a year, residents of local communities in Ramat, Ipiķi and Vērši got to know and study history, family stories and regional legends about cultural and historical objects, houses, important personalities and families found in their area. At the events, we met with the chairman of the board of the traditional culture association “APRIKA” / storyteller Māra Mellēna, Valmiera librarian, regional researcher / storyteller Agita Lapsa and Valmiera museum historian Liena Rokpelna, in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the movement of storytellers in Latvia.
We are really glad that the storytellers events of the project “1, 2, 3 – the others will be here soon…” had an unexpectedly high level of approval. In the course of the project, anyone interested could participate in our storytellers’ afternoons, both as an active storyteller and as an introverted listener.
“The life we live here is not a poetic fairy tale, even if we want to call it that.
The time we spend in Earth School is a lesson in real and concrete relationships. And it is from the Game of human relations that the Web of soul values is formed, in which we swing in infinity. But all the others that God has placed in the knots of this Web are swaying with us. Me and You, and my loved ones, and Your loved ones, and my adversaries, and Your adversaries, and our known and our unknown, and the living and the dead, and those already born and those yet to be born. This Game is beautiful, joyful and sometimes also very serious.”
Režisors Ansis Bērziņš

Stāstu savīšanās ir BRĪNUMS – tik trausls un stiprs vienlaicīgi…
Tā mēs savijamies stāstos, notikumos, draudzībās…
Vairāk informācija par projektu https://123tiecitibusdriz.mozellosite.com/
Valmieras novada pašvaldības finansētas neformālās iedzīvotāju iniciatīvas grupas/biedrības/nodibinājuma projekta īstenošanu LĪGUMS Nr.06.21/